To perform a search you simply type in the keywords or phrases
you are looking for and click the search button.
The search results will be presented in a table. You can click on files
as you would in a standard web browser.
To get back to your search results you can click on the search results
icon ( ).
There are 4 types of searches you can perform with DocSearcher: Keyword,
Phrase, Boolean, and Wild Card.
The example queries below describe each of these types of searches:
Examples searches |
What they do |
summer vacation
-with the "keywords" radio button selected
Finds documents with the keywords
"summer" and "vacation"
This type of search is called a keyword search.
summer vacation
-with the "phrase" radio button selected
Finds documents with the phrase
"summer vacation"
This type of search is called a phrase search.
"john smith" -"johnbrown"
Finds documents with the "john smith" but excludes document with "john brown"
This type of search is called a boolean search.
virtu* |
Finds documents with words that start with virtu... For example virtuous, virtue, virtuosity, etc...
This type of search is called a wild card search.
Advanced searches
Advanced searches are formatted thus:
+(+field:(search text here) AND
+another_field:(more search text)) OR +another_field:(even more searchtext)
The fields you can search in include:
- title
- author
- summary
- body
- path (file name)
- URL (for web site indexes only)
- type (the type of document, AKA the document extension... i.e. doc for MS Word, htm for web pages, etc...)
Here's example of a complex search:
+(+(+title:("Homeland Security") AND
+author:(John)) OR +summary:(DHS -TSA)) AND +type:(pdf)
The above example says, find documents where title
includes the phrase "Homeland Security", the author has text John, or
the summary has text DHS - but exclude documents where summary has text
TSA in it - and retrieve only PDF documents.